무도비즈니스타임즈 안병철 기자 | Hoki Taekwondo Launches Global Franchise Expansion, Starting with Mexico Hoki Taekwondo is officially embarking on its journey to establish a global Taekwondo franchise, with Mexico as its initial launchpad. As the birthplace of Taekwondo, South Korea has long been recognized for its efforts in spreading the martial art worldwide and producing exceptional instructors. However, the lack of a structured franchise system has posed challenges in providing systematic support for overseas Taekwondo dojangs, limiting their potential for growth and sustainability. Recognizing this g
무도비즈니스타임즈 안병철 기자 | Taekwondo Dojang Management! More Than Just Techniques – The Importance of Character Education and the Mentor Role of Instructors Taekwondo is not just about mastering physical techniques. It is a comprehensive training system that cultivates both body and mind, fostering character development. Children learning Taekwondo not only practice basic movements and poomsae but also develop mental resilience and perseverance. However, if training is limited to technical skills alone, the true values and philosophy of Taekwondo cannot be fully conveyed. Therefore, Taekwondo instruct